Blue period painting

I’m a blue period Picasso painting stuck on a wall

In the middle of a hall

Trying to figure out: how do I get down?

I can’t move my face, move my mouth, stuck in an eternal frown

The paintings around me, they don’t understand me

I’m a bit too early, being seen as a development

Trying to find out how to come out of this museum of adolescence

But I’m not just blue

I’m weird in shape and color too

If somebody stole me and ran down the stairs

The guards won’t notice

Or maybe just not care, they think I’m that hopeless!

But soon I will be known

I will be talked about

Seen in headlines


“BEST PAINTING OF ALL TIME!” they’ll holler

I have the flavor of a mountain horizon

The feel of bright blue motel floors

I have the light of a thousand suns

So step back and open the blue doors!